Everything You Need to Know About Last Week’s News #33

Nothing, really. No popes resigned, no nuclear weapons exploded, no giant meteors crashed into earth. If you only care about big news and you have a high opportunity cost for your next five minutes, just skip this one and come back next week.

In reverse order of importance:

Hugo Chavez came back to Venezuela, quelling rumors (from week 27) that the socialist president had died of socialist healthcare in Cuba. Apparently it’s not that bad over there, at least for quasi-dictators.

On the tenth anniversary of a famous Belgium diamond heist, some thieves pulled off another Belgium diamond heist.

An entrepreneur wants to send humans to Mars in 2018 with SpaceX rockets. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t actually involve landing on the planet.

US politicians blamed each other for the upcoming “sequester” that they all supported, even though the “cuts” will still leave this year’s federal spending higher than last year’s.

A crash at the Daytona 500 flung debris that injured over 30 spectators.

Office Max and Office Depot are going to combine into one super-office-store. In other words, the slow death of retail continues…

Google announced more stuff about their Google Glass project that’s going to revolutionize the world or something.

Recent hacking attempts against computers in the US appear to be coming from China’s military.

GOOD NEWS: The White House moves to make (some) taxpayer-funded research (somewhat) more available to taxpayers.

The Supreme Court issued rulings about detainment and drug-sniffing dogs. Apparently it’s one win and one loss for civil liberties.

I haven’t posted much on the ongoing global military conflicts lately, but the continuing stalemates are no less dangerous. Deadly car bombs exploded both in Syria and in Mali last week.

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