Everything You Need To Know About Last Week’s News

In reverse order of importance:

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got divorced. Or maybe it was the week before. Somehow they managed to stay in the headlines all week.

There was some controversy over a revelation that US Olympic uniforms were made in China. Next they’ll be telling us the athletes sometimes eat fruit grown in South America! By the way, the 2012 Summer Olympics start July 27.

The sun is ramping up to the most active phase of its 11-year cycle. On Thursday it released an X-class solar flare directly at the earth. Looks like pretty much all it did was create some pretty auroras when it slammed into the earth’s magnetic field over the weekend. (SpaceWeather.com is an incredible resource for keeping up with this stuff.)

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White House Petitions and the TSA

There’s a petition over on the White House website to “Require the Transportation Security Administration to Follow the Law!” A federal appeals court ordered the TSA to do some stuff a year ago and they still haven’t done it. Unlike most meaningless Internet petitions, if this petition gets to 25,000 signatures in 30 days the White House will issue a response – and it’s already about halfway there after five days.

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The Maddening Media

Is it just me, or are the maddening hypocritical focuses of Democrats and the media even more maddening than usual lately?

They’re obsessed that Romney used the word “Obamacare” at an NAACP speech, but they don’t care that Obama and many other liberals have used the same word many times.

They’re obsessed with getting Romney to release his old tax returns, but they don’t care that Obama won’t release his old college transcripts.

They’re obsessed with Romney’s contradictions about his past work at Bain, but they don’t care about Obama’s contradictions about his past involvement with the extreme left New Party.

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Voting For Conservative Judges

It’s no secret that many anti-establishment Tea-Party and/or libertarian conservatives don’t like Mitt Romney. Still, many are so fed up with Obama that they seem to be searching for reasons to justify voting for Romney anyway.

One oft-cited reason has to do with the Supreme Court, whose justices tend to be reliably “conservative” or “liberal.” Since they serve for life, it’s a pretty big deal when a President gets to appoint one, and he generally tries to appoint someone who fits his ideology (assuming he can get the current Congress to approve the person). I’ve seen conservatives who don’t like Romney say they plan to vote for him at least so he can appoint conservative judges.

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What I Missed

Or, Everything You Need To Know About Last Week’s News

In reverse order of importance:

Anderson Cooper is gay. Andy Griffith is dead. Justin Bieber got a speeding ticket. It’s probably the hottest and driest in most of the US since the 1930’s. Some think climate change is more to blame for this time than the last time. Some don’t.

Continue reading What I Missed

No More Blogging This Week.

I won’t be doing any more blogging this week. On the off chance that anything crazy happens while I’m gone and you’re actually curious about my opinion on the matter, feel free to leave comments here with requests. Or to talk amongst yourselves. Or to create spam for your acai berry products. I’ll probably be checking the comments though. If you get bored, check the sidebar for more interesting blogs written by more knowledgeable people. Thanks for visiting.